Free mini-E-Book: Lower Cholesterol Naturally, Without Drugs
How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally, Without Drugs
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How to Lower Cholesterol Naturally, Without Drugs
How about this: the Portfolio Eating Plan doesn't tell you what foods not to eat to control cholesterol. You already know what not to eat! The Portfolio Eating Plan tells you what foods you need to add to your diet to reduce bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.
The four food groups in the Portfolio Eating Plan have long been known to influence cholesterol for the better.
What is new is the combination of all four groups in one clinical trial to measure their combined impact on cholesterol. This trial was financed by the Canadian Government and carried out by a research group led by David Jenkins, M.D. at the University of Toronto.
Dr Jenkins and his team discovered that most people can control cholesterol by eating common foods just as well as by taking a prescription drug.
This report does not dwell on the dangers of taking statin drugs, but concentrates on the positive aspects of controlling cholesterol by dieting. Please consult with your doctor who should be able to advise you of any special risks you face by reducing or stopping medication.
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Release History: Lower Cholesterol Naturally, Without Drugs
- Beta version 01: first released, December 22, 2005.
- Beta version 01: typographical errors fixed and some text clarified, December 23, 2005
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